Agreement Request Form

The Agreement Request Form should be completed by the PI or departmental research staff, when we are the recipient of funding and the Sponsor would like UNCG to initiate the paperwork on their behalf.

Pre-Award Risk Assumption (PRA) Guidance and FOrm

Guidance on UNCG’s Assumption of Risk procedure for Researchers awaiting official award notification.

Change of PI Request

The Request For Change of PI should be completed by the PI or departmental research staff to initiate a request to sponsor and/or a change in UNCG systems.

Foundation Proposal Notification and Information

Please complete this form 30 days prior to the deadline to notify UNCG of your intent to apply to a Foundation.

NO-Cost Extension REquest

Procedure for requesting a no-cost time extension for a currently funded project.

SubContract Request Form

The Subcontract Request Form should be completed by PIs or departmental research staff when a subcontract must be issued.

UNCG Subrecipient Commitment and Monitoring Form

 This form must be completed at the time of submission by the Subrecipient institution.

Personal Device Attestation Form

This form must be completed in order to use a personal device for research.

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