UNCG Scholar

Navigate every step in the life cycle of your project with resources from UNCG Sponsored Programs, Research Integrity and Compliance, and Research Development.

Find Funding

Our personnel are here help you find support for your research, scholarly activities, and educational needs. Get guidance on funding search tools, limited submissions and foundations, collaborative and multidisciplinary proposals, and more.

News and Events

Proposal Prep

Building a research proposal is a collaborative process. Sponsored Programs personnel and departmental administrators are here to help you stay on track and realize your vision. Get assistance with the submission process, budget prep, cayuse proposal routing, and post submission requests.

Life cycle of a grant

Compliance & Integrity

Integrity is essential. Our personnel collaborate with you to make compliance as straightforward and accessible as possible. We have the resources you need to ethically navigate issues related to conflict of interest, human and animal subjects, biosafety, export control, and more.

Award Management & Closeout

Here you will find information about Award Modification, Contractual, Compliance, Finances and Reporting, Data Safety Management, and Policies

Contacts & Offices

Scholar is brought to you by the offices of Sponsored Programs, Research & Integrity, and Research Development. Follow the link below to learn more about each office or to find our Contact List