Compliance & Integrity

Responsible Conduct of Research

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) involves shared responsibility for the responsible conduct of research among the institutional administration, the research oversight committees and the researchers. 

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) includes: 

  • Conflict of interest
  • Mentor/mentee responsibilities and relationships 
  • Safe research environments
  • Collaborative research
  • Peer review
  • Secure and ethical data use; data confidentiality, management, sharing, and ownership 
  • Data acquisition and analysis; laboratory tools (e.g., tools for analyzing data and creating or working with digital images); recordkeeping practices, including methods such as electronic laboratory notebooks 
  • Research misconduct
  • Responsible authorship and publication 
  • The scientist as a responsible member of society, contemporary ethical issues in biomedical research, and the environmental and societal impacts of scientific research 
Federal SponsorType of TrainingWho Must AttendFederal Guideline
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Face-to-faceAll trainees, fellows, participants, and scholars receiving support through any NIH training, career development award (individual or institutional), research education grant, and dissertation research grant.*NOT-OD-22-055
National Science Foundation (NSF)CITIUndergraduate Students, Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers, Faculty and other Senior/Key Personnel supported by NSF to conduct research.NSF PAPPG 24-1
USDA – National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)CITIProgram Directors, Faculty, Undergraduate Students, Postdoctoral Scholars, and any staff participating in the research projectNIFA Research Terms and Conditions
* This applies to the following programs: D43, D71, F05, F30, F31, F32, F33, F34, F37, F38, K01, K02, K05, K07, K08, K12, K18, K22, K23, K24, K25, K26, K30, K99/R00, KL1, KL2, R25, R36, T15, T32, T34, T35, T36, T37, T90/R90, TL1, TU2, and U2R. This policy also applies to any other NIH-funded programs supporting research training, career development, or research education that require instruction in responsible conduct of research as stated in the relevant funding opportunity announcements.

RCR Workshops

The Office of Research Integrity offers a series of in-person workshops in Responsible Conduct of Research Practices each semester. These sessions are hosted by the Office of Research Integrity and are offered to all those who would like to attend across the campus.

Topics include: Conflict of Interest in Research, Questionable Research Practices, Data Management, Authorship, and Mentor/Mentee Relationships.

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